[grisbi-devel] 1.1.9 on Mac open with Japanese instead of English
Barrie Treloar
2018-01-06 12:04:31 UTC
I have Japanese setup because that is the second language I am studying.

But Grisbi is choosing Japanese instead of English.

How do I tell Grisbi what language it should use?
Ludovic Rousseau
2018-01-06 16:31:27 UTC
Post by Barrie Treloar
I have Japanese setup because that is the second language I am studying.
But Grisbi is choosing Japanese instead of English.
How do I tell Grisbi what language it should use?
Why would grisbi select English if your setup is Japanese?

From a Terminal window do:
LANG=C open /Applications/Grisbi.app

Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
Barrie Treloar
2018-01-06 22:00:45 UTC
I found
but Grisbi does not support the -AppleLanguages option.

However, grisbi starting on the console shows

LANG = en_AU.UTF-8

and the buttons are in English.

But, clicking on the Application in the launcher starts the application in
Barrie Treloar
2018-01-06 22:05:07 UTC
While the -AppleLanguages option doesn't work, writing the value does.

$ defaults write org.grisbi.Grisbi AppleLanguages '("en-AU")'

solved my problem.
I found https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/245/is-it-
possible-to-launch-a-program-in-a-specific-language but Grisbi does not
support the -AppleLanguages option.
However, grisbi starting on the console shows
LANG = en_AU.UTF-8
and the buttons are in English.
But, clicking on the Application in the launcher starts the application in
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Ludovic Rousseau
2018-01-07 15:30:28 UTC
Post by Barrie Treloar
While the -AppleLanguages option doesn't work, writing the value does.
$ defaults write org.grisbi.Grisbi AppleLanguages '("en-AU")'
solved my problem.
Thanks for the feedback.
I added the information in the FAQ https://github.com/grisbi/grisbi/wiki/FAQ

Dr. Ludovic Rousseau